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Generic Linux Handy Commands


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Fresh Noetic Installation

1.2.4 安装 ROS Ubuntu 安装完毕后,就可以安装 ROS 操作系统了,大致步骤如下: 配置ubuntu的软件和更新; 设置安装源; 设置key; 安装; 配置环境变量。 1.配置ubuntu的软件和更新 配置ubuntu的软件和更新,允许安装不经认证的软件。 首先打开“软件和更新”对话框,具体可以在 Ubuntu 搜索按钮中搜索。 打开后按照下图进行配置(确保勾选了"restrict

It just sucks, like everything else

For some reason the arduino code reverses the speed direction and creates an endless wrong calculation loop. It seems fixable by reuploading the code, which makes me wonder it might be the raspberry p

Full Demonstration

The full demonstration runs on distributed computing typology, that is, robot with raspberry pi is the master collecting all data and running the computation, while PC is being used as monitor to give

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