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Pcm Pjm 和 CE考试范围重叠部分极大,推荐集中复习然后突击考试。这三门考过以后基本就不用担心合同和实践类别的问题了。在后续的考试中,有极小的可能性会考到,即使考到,题目的难度也会非常简单,基本属于常识级别难度。

Pcm 除了合同外,还包含公司管理 账务计算 时间任务分配等实践问题。

Pjm 主要就是考各种合同。

CE 除了各种合同以外,会考RFI,additional service等考点,也会考结构细部,诸如檐口,女儿墙,散水等。

There's a lot of overlaps between these divisions. I highly recommend studying these three together and take exams in a short period of time and have these 3 guys nailed together so that you don't need to worry about contracts or practice anymore.

Afterward, it's very unlikely that you will run into contract-related questions, and by the time you passed these divisions, the contract-related questions, if ever appears in other divisions, will be so easy that you don't even need to review the contracts or practice contents.

In Pcm, except for contracts, you will need to learn professional practice such as how to manage a firm, assign time/work, calculations related to running the business.

In Pjm, you will be heavily tested on contracts and operation types.

In CE, you will need to know construction phase knowledge such as RFI, additional service, or construction details. (What's a weep hole and where do you usually find it?)

复习材料 / Study Material


The very best audio material you could ever find on legal issues. I would recommend do a full study the first time you use this material and keep the audio in your phone so that you can keep listening to it on your commute and while working. I would keep listenging to the A201 and B101 parts over and over until you pass all exams.

出版社版本的阅读表。配合AHPP(The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice)使用。里面标注的段落章节都要读,特别是带感叹号的。我建议使用的时候先过一遍阅读表,把重复的章节筛选掉。因为这个列表作以回应ARE考点为顺序,其中不同考点有参考到同一个章节,没必要重复阅读。

The Wiley list of The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice. Very good review Material. The way I used it is that I went through the list and edit it to skip overlapping chapters. For example, one chapter might appear twice in the read list in different ARE 5.0 objectives, but you don't necessarily want to read it twice.

NCARB 官方材料。列举每门考试的考点和学习范围。注意手册给出的书籍并不需要全部学习。很多书互相有重叠,你需要做的是找出其中重叠部分最小的那几本学习,这样效率最高。

Official handbook from NCARB. You need to go over it carefully to understand test objectives as well as reference materials. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU DON'T NEED TO READ ALL MATERIALS LISTED. there's quite a bit of overlap between each book and you don't want to spend time re-studying. The best way to deal with it is to flip through the books and identify the ones with minimal overlap. That gives you the highest efficiency.

AIA官方合同样板。建议通读,不懂的听Schiff Hardin

Needless to say the importance but kinda dry to study. Use with Schiff Hardin Lectures.

​这个不太清楚怎么翻译,就叫master format吧。需要死记硬背的东西,如果你工作中写过spec的话记起来就简单很多了。需要背到30。注意要用最新的,不要用老版只有16个division的那个。15版的程大锦building construction illustrated最后面附录就有。

Dry but you have to make it until division 30. You don't have to dig too deep into the master format at this point, but you should know what item should roughly be located in which division. Remember to use the most updated version of it, or just read DK Ching's building construction illustrated appendix.


You might wanna read through this. A couple of mock exams will get you familiar enough with it.

39刀每门。​亲民的价格,准确的知识测验。我的经验是如果连续做三套大题都可以通过,那么就可以考试了。 例题偏简单,但是用来测试薄弱知识点非常有用。如果你错了一道题,请不要只学习这一道题,要把相关类别的知识再巩固一遍。

Affordability! Affordability! Affordability! You can't go wrong with 39$ per division. If you are rich, you can buy better material for sure. If you are someone who has just worked for a couple of years and have a limited budget on preparing for the exam, get DESIGNER HACKS! My experience is that if you can pass the timed practice exam 3 times in a row, then you are ready to go! When you review your incorrect answers, do not just review only that one problem. Review that section of knowledge. You never know what you will be tested on!

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