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Mount Pot

Instead of chasing geometric aesthetics like the westerners do, ancient Chinese tend to pay more attention on natural aesthetical elements.
How to artificially make a harmonious combination of mountains, plants, pavilions, stones, earth, and water? This is what the ancient people care.

In this design, I utilized absorbent stone to make the shape of a mountain, as well as to support more water for the plants on the surface. The absorbent stone has a lot of bubbles and fibre in it, so that it is able to pump water up from the bottom of the pot to the upper surface. Around the stone, were asparagus ferns and moss. In the art of Penjing, asparagus are frequently used to stand for pine trees. Moss could not only offer a sense of grass, but also keep the surface wet. Rocks of different shape are used to bring a complex environment to make it more realistic. Layer of the earth is also carefully managed to save enough water and support the plants with a stable environment.

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