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CRUX DRONE+OS is a further developed version of CRUX LITE, born with a big dream: make drones almighty.

Big as the dream might seems to be, simple the reason is.

Technology never changed the world, How people use it does, or even, giving a reason for the people to use is does. Same thing for drones. When you walk down Venice Pier in LA during summer time sunset, always, you will find  drones hovering above you. Nice cool hovering cameras, but will this be all about it?

What made computers more accessible? GUI. Reason to have one? For fun.

What made air plane a popular modern transportation mean? High reliability. Reason to fly? Fast.

What made a smart phone necessary in modern society? Maintaining connectivity. Reason to awake your phone? Greed for information.

Yes, if you have a better way to use a technology, and still giving a good reason for people to use it, you have the future, and Crux Drone has it.

With years' experience with robotic technologies,and from the pointview of a designer, I never treat technology as a goal. It is a useful tool, but does not give a reason. The development of dones had been through years, since DJI first introduced the product phantom, so did technology. From original PID controlled algorithm, all the way to the mixture of industril control methods and computer vision that we have today. Technology evolved so greatly that the drones are flying more and more stable, functioning more and more reliably. And the reason to have one is still simple: for a flying camera.

Crux drone will change this. It will break so many rules or subconscious stipulated by the pioneers. Why does it have to be a camera? Imagine that you have a drone, that can not only take pictures and videos for you, but also, gives you the ability to control it remotely when you are thousands of miles away to secure your home? What if, you can fly a smart drone around your families' farm and tell your dad the plants in which area are having problems with their leaves? What if, you can provide all the guests to your party fast wifi connection simply by landing a drone on your site? And the most important, what if, your drone task assignment application gives you an "∞" for all your smart ideas?

2022 Yingnan Bao All Rights Reserved

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