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Car Roof MfingerBot

Wind Tunnel Test

Car Roof MfingerBot is another sarcastic art work. With built-in RC controller, the mechanism is even more complex, and the goal is simple: a cool solution for road rage.

Whenever your line is cut, you don't have to risk your safety to shrug with your hands, or cut the line back. The only thing you need to do is simply accelerate, and press the botton so that the robot on top of your car will do the guesture for you. 

Simply safer and cooler, right?

The flowline design of its shape features a very low air friction, making it no burden to your vehicle power. Both the robot and the controller have a 2.4Hz communication module so that they could talk to each other wirelessly.

Coding solely accomplished.

Car Roof MfingerBot

2022 Yingnan Bao All Rights Reserved

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