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只要学不死 就往死里学!


So, you've made it all the way here. After all that education and practice, trying hard to get all your hours done. Maybe it's for a promotion, maybe it's for going solo and practice your self, maybe it's just a milestone, or maybe it's just about getting it done and not to worry about it for the rest of your life.

Anyways, you together with lots and lots of other people, are facing this ARE monster that you think will take sooooo long to have it done. But honestly, if you stay determined and keep studying, not giving up on what you are doing and have some confidence, this exam is not that hard to deal with.

It took me 1 year and 2 months, about 15~20 hours' study each week to get all divisions to pass. It sounds scary but it's really just about 1 hour a day and some more time on weekends. and you can still have your vacations! So trust me, if I can do it within that time, you can do it too, and with a little help, you can very likely do it even faster!

废话不多说了 抓紧学起来吧 包老师谁都不扶就扶你

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